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Criteria for Church Membership


  • A personal affirmation that you have received Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord.

  • You agree with our Confession of Faith, Church Covenant and Rules.

  • You believe that the Lord wants you to be a part of this church. If you are leaving another church, then it is important to us that you have left your former fellowship while maintaining the “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”. If possible, you need to inform your former church of this pending membership change.

  • You acknowledge and are in agreement that the Shekinah Intercessors Outreach Ministries Pastor(s) and Board Members have a pastoral responsibility in your life.

  • You commit to support the work of God being done through the Shekinah Intercessors Outreach Min. Intl. Church with your time, gifts, abilities and finances as you are able.


If you are interested in membership, you should download and complete our application form then submit it to; or


You will be contacted to schedule an interview to complete the process.

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