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Men’s Ministry

As a family church, Shekinah speaks to the needs of all the members of its congregation, and with that in mind, a Men’s Ministry was formed early on in the Church.

The intent of the Ministry is to build men of character through mentorship, the sharing of God’s,  sporting activities and seminars, thus building faith in God, trust in each other, and comradery. 

For this year 2018, the intent is to continue to build and affect the lives of all men who come into the direct contact of our lives and the church. “1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong”.

Contact: Brother Richardo Martin

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Sunday School Ministry

Contact Sister Cidnie  |  Tel: 123-456-7890


Outreach Ministry

The outreach ministry seeks to act in response to Christ’s words, “Whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.” We aim to serve those in need who attend, visit, or are beyond the physical borders of the church. Furthermore, we recognize that we are called by God to be His representatives and His presence in the community. We incorporate Christian principles and biblical standards in whatever we do. Our goal is to restore hope by providing opportunities for people to recognize that “they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them”. We believe that through Outreach, we exchange blessings and resources that meet the needs we all share.

Contact Sister Verona Wood  |  Tel: 1876-429-0947


Youth Ministry

This ministry seeks to empower the next generation to become Men and Women of God who will come into their purpose and become change agents for the Kingdom of God.  We believe that God is creating the next generation, a remnant, which will stand up for Jesus and do greater works. In Joel 2: 28 says  “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions”. 

The time has come that God is empowering the youth to reach the lost and those that need encouragement.

The objectives of the youth department are: 

  1. Spiritual Maturity

  2. Young People Empowerment

  3. Evangelism – Spreading the gospel to the young and especially meeting more young people.

  4. Promotion of activities to achieve greater cohesiveness and understanding of each other. 

We also have a host of fun and fellowship activities such a games night, praise n worship, and excursions to include camping. These activities help to further integrate the youth and build cohesiveness and unity among the young in Christ. Most of our sessions are held and lead strictly by the youth allowing them to express themselves and grow spiritually.

Contact: Sister Phylicia Phillips  


Women's Ministry

Contact Min. Angella Thompson  |  Tel: 123-456-7890


Evangelism Ministry

The evangelism ministry is established on the premise that spreading the spirit and words of Christ should be a daily routine for all Christians.  As we are called to harvest souls for the Kingdom of God, we will “not be ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes”.  We welcome all to worship with us in our services.  Our goal is to nourish spiritual growth, encourage, teach, and support all who wish to walk in and follow the examples of Christ.

Contact Bro. Giovanni Swaby  |  Tel: 876-456-7890

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